Gnome Home
This handbuilt Gnome home is for the Gnome lovers. Skillfully crafting clay by hand from a slab of clay. This whimisical deisgn is outdoor proof and dishwasher safe. The design come from my joie de vi·vre side of life.
This handbuilt Gnome home is for the Gnome lovers. Skillfully crafting clay by hand from a slab of clay. This whimisical deisgn is outdoor proof and dishwasher safe. The design come from my joie de vi·vre side of life.
This handbuilt Gnome home is for the Gnome lovers. Skillfully crafting clay by hand from a slab of clay. This whimisical deisgn is outdoor proof and dishwasher safe. The design come from my joie de vi·vre side of life.