Sherpa's Rope
“If you feel lost while deep in meditation,” a Tibetan master once taught , “just follow the double cord back to yourself.” This statement conjured reflections on the umbilical cord, the life-giving connection between mother and child in the womb. This double spiral represents that relationship between our external spirit and the external world.
“If you feel lost while deep in meditation,” a Tibetan master once taught , “just follow the double cord back to yourself.” This statement conjured reflections on the umbilical cord, the life-giving connection between mother and child in the womb. This double spiral represents that relationship between our external spirit and the external world.
“If you feel lost while deep in meditation,” a Tibetan master once taught , “just follow the double cord back to yourself.” This statement conjured reflections on the umbilical cord, the life-giving connection between mother and child in the womb. This double spiral represents that relationship between our external spirit and the external world.