EMF Radiation from Cell phones or Apple watch.

EMF Radiation from Cell phone or Apply Watch is not healthy for all living beings. We know that with long periods of exposure that is cumulative causes cancer. With the newest 5 g it is much worse. Please watch the video below. Copper is the best way to neutralize radiation. Just having your Copper bracelet on beside your watch is beneficial. Having a Wi Fi Neutralizer for your cell phone is also so important. We sell our Wi Fi Neutralizers and will be up on the site.

Pursuing my passion, ceramics, I am learning new concepts and methods of working with this medium. I will be at Clay Con West from January 12 to the 14 2024. I am excited to meet new artists and enhance my learning.

Lets talk about Finances and Accountants. I know that this is an important issue for most Canadians and all walks of life. We just changed our investor and accountant. Best move ever. Our accountant is Steve from Summit Strategies and he has done farm accounting forever. Here is his link. Summit Strategies

From this meeting we were recommended to the Inventors Group which we found to be very informative and helpful. IG Investors

My Never Ending Journey to Health

My health journey started around the age 50. Being as I am hitting the big 65 I am always looking for alternative treatments for my health. I see a naturopath, osteopath, and although my copper bracelets help significantly, I was still in need of an immune upgrade. So I had heard of the “Radon Mine” from 3 different people in my life so being the adventurist / curious person I am I made the trip to Boulder Montana. At the mine it was not only helpful to my health but the people I met were from all over the country and world.

From Spruce Meadows I drove on September 11, 2023 to Montana and I remembed the day by playing Alan Jacksons song.

I drove into Montana to my best friends farm Collette. From there we travelled to Boulder Montana to the Free Enterprise “Radon Health Mine” The first night we stayed on Boulder Hot Springs. It is a quant Hotel and spa with plenty of history. The First Nations were to used these springs in the beginning and made a pack that no warfare was allowed on this sacred site. The spa was first constructed in 1863.

The second night we stayed at a bed and breakfast. The Ranch B & B is about 15 minutes from Boulder and Helen was a perfect hostess. Collette and Helen hit is off with many ranching stories. The Ranch encompassed 10 thousand deeded acres in its prime.

The Best part of this adventure was going to the Free Enterprise Radon Mine. The purpose for me was to help with weakness and pain of Fibromyalgia, Shingles and Arthritis. Collette just had surgery on her ankle and was looking for healing as well.

The original radon health mine in Montana was the Free Enterprise Mine, which officially opened for treatments on June 23, 1952. Wade Lewis, the 1949, but the focus of the mining operation changed abruptly in 1951, with a visit from the wife of one of the mining engineers. She had severe bursitis in her shoulder, but after a visit down into the 85 foot deep mine shaft she claimed to be pain free. She called a friend in Los Angeles, who called other friends, and before long the Free Enterprise was inundated with requests from people with arthritis who wanted to go into the mine for "treatment." By 1952 the numbers of people wanting time in the mine were so great that Lewis decided to close his mining operation and re-open as a "health mine" after making a number of improvements for safety and accessibility According to local newspapers, by 1954 tens of thousands of people had traveled to Montana to visit either the Free Enterprise Mine, or one of the other local mines that also claimed to have radon and had opened their tunnels to the arthritic public.  

Today, approximately 500 people visit the Free Enterprise Mine every year. Many of the mine's clients are repeat visitors, some of whom have been coming to the mine for years. Many of the people I met  claimed that after spending two weeks at the Free Enterprise, they were able to stop taking their medication, and to remain relatively pain-free for as long as a year. Several described how, as time went by, they gradually noticed the return of their symptoms, and would then know it was time to return to Montana for a "tune-up." Some clients were able to stretch their visits to one every other year.

After my return my health has improved significantly. Shingles is GONE my energy levels are better and I have not had to take any Anti-inflammatory meds.

Pottery at Spruce Meadows

September 4th 2023

Awesome to be at this beautiful venue again. Spruce Meadows brings back so many great memories.

Years ago, I had the pleasure the ride with the Canadian Warmbloods Team in the Battle of the Breeds both in Driving competition and jumping competition. Being back on the grounds reminded me of time I had the opportunity to present my gorgeous Dutch Warmblood Stallion Pandoer in a Stallion Showcase. This weekend I had the pleasure of having my ceramics at the Frayed Knot Western Consignment store. It was amazing to once again be a part of an event that had brought me so many great memories, this time around with my favourite Western inspired Pottery.

DIY Pumpkins Ceramics

August 19th 2023

Follow alongside ceramics artist Cheryl La Rue as she makes pumpkins.

Grand Opening

July 29th 2023

Today was a special day in Lacombe Alberta. It was the first day the Art and the Country Boutique opened its doors to the public. Set on a beautiful acreage, Cheryl showcased her handmade pottery and copper bracelets in her home alongside her longhorn cows and horses.

This event was a true celebration of artistry, craftsmanship, and creativity.

From the wonderful live music to the captivating tea readings and the presence of Cheryl’s talented artist friends, the Grand Opening was an unforgettable experience.